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Liver & Kidney Concerns

Incontinence and urinary tract disorders commonly arise as one gets older, especially for women over 50. One reason the risk for incontinence increases as we age, is because the bladder lining starts losing elasticity which ...

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The feeling of an obstruction in the throat (when there's not an actual physical obstruction) is called Plum Pit Qi and is associated with Qi Stagnation (Liver Qi in particular). Emotions such as sadness or ...

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The Liver and Liver Qi Stagnation Spring is ruled by the wood element, which is associated with the liver, an organ with an incredible capacity for regeneration. When searching for the underlying cause of disease ...

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Many people with hepatitis C virus (HCV) are turning to Chinese traditional medicine for treatment. CHINESE MEDICINE has a rich history in the treatment of chronic hepatitis. Hepatitis B and C infections are prevalent throughout ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: I have had recurrent shoulder pain for three years. At times it is very incapacitating. Can you help?

A: Yes. The shoulder's surrounding tissues cope with mechanical stress and are prone to a variety of degenerative and/or traumatic problems. Th... Read More