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What is the difference between Western Herbs and Chinese Herbs?

What is the difference between Western Herbs and Chinese Herbs?

What is the difference between Western Herbs and Chinese Herbs?

Western Herbal Medicine tends to use one or two herbs to treat just a specific symptom. A Chinese Herbal formula has as many as 20 different herbs. The herbs are selected to work synergistically to treat the whole person. In Chinese medicine, due to our diagnostic system, we are able to assess a persons whole constitution (the health of their whole body) and treat the root (or cause) of a health concern along with a branch (or the symptoms) of a health concern. It is in this way that we are able to treat a person's whole body and mind, rather than just a symptom.

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Q: I have Morton's Neuroma on my left foot. Can acupuncture help this painful condition or do I need to have surgery?

A: A neuroma is a swelling or scarring of a small nerve between your toes. When your body mechanics are not aligned, the space between your m... Read More